Delegation of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus to the CSTO PA consists of 7 deputies from the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus and 4 deputies from the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus.
Plenipotentiary representative of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus: Viktor Kogut
Website of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus:
Website of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus:
Delegation of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the CSTO PA consists of 8 deputies from the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and 8 members of the Senate of the Parliament of Kazakhstan.
Plenipotentiary Representative of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, deputy Executive Secretary of the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly: Viktor Rogalev
Delegation of the Supreme Council of the Kyrgyz Republic to the CSTO PA consists of 6 deputies.
Plenipotentiary Representative of the Supreme Council of the Kyrgyz Republic: Shabdanbek Alishev
Website of the Supreme Council of the Kyrgyz Republic:
Delegation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation to the CSTO PA consists of 10 deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and 12 members of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation.
Plenipotentiary representative of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation - deputy Executive Secretary of the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly: Mikhail Krotov
Delegation of the Supreme Assembly of the Republic of Tajikistan to the CSTO PA consists of 6 deputies of the National Assembly of the Supreme Assembly of the Republic of Tajikistan and 6 deputies of the Assembly of Representatives of the Supreme Assembly of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Stanislav Zas: Year by year, the parliamentary dimension becomes an increasingly important part of our work
6 June 2022
Stanislav Zas: Year by year, the parliamentary dimension becomes an increasingly important part of our work
Year by year, the parliamentary dimension becomes an increasingly important part of our work in strengthening and developing the Collective Security Treaty Organization.
“Close cooperation between the CSTO Secretariat and the Organization’s Parliamentary Assembly contributes to the effectiveness of joint activities. We are already implementing a range of joint activities on a regular basis. One of the recent events was significant and useful: a visit to the CSTO Secretariat by the chairpersons of foreign policy committees (commissions) of parliaments of the CSTO Member States. They received detailed information on the implementation of the CSTO objectives. We had a thorough discussion of the current situation in the Organization’s area of responsibility,” said Stanislav Zas.
He recalled that the Organization has to act amidst heightened volatility of foreign affairs. For instance, the infrastructure of the North Atlantic Alliance is moving right up to the CSTO area of responsibility. “In essence, the third stage of NATO expansion in Europe and further militarization of the European continent has been launched,” said Stanislav Zas.
“Under these circumstances, we see the need to strengthen unity in our Organization,” said Stanislav Zas, “and to develop foreign policy, strengthen the Collective Defence Forces and improve the crisis response system.”
The Secretary General spoke about concrete steps being taken in this area.
Speaking about the development of CSTO’s foreign policy component, Stanislav Zas mentioned the ongoing work to develop relations with international organizations, primarily with the UN.
Thus, according to him, another draft Resolution on the cooperation between the UN and the CSTO in the area of maintaining international peace and security is being prepared. Stanislav Zas hopes that this document will be adopted at the forthcoming 77th session of the UN General Assembly.
The Secretary General deliberated on the development of peacekeeping, touching upon the institution of the Special Representative of the CSTO Secretary General for peacekeeping, the introduction of the notion of a coordinating state and measures to train and certify personnel and to improve their medical support.
Stanislav Zas also noted that he considers it useful to continue the practice of parliamentarians’ participation in joint exercises of the CSTO Collective Forces, all of which will be conducted in 2022.