Military-political monitoring


Activities related

to Military-political monitoring

October 4

Participation in the international observation of the election to the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic

Documents News

10 January 2021

Participation in the observation of the early elections of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic and the referendum on determining the form of government of the Kyrgyz Republic

Documents News

10 January 2021

Participation in monitoring the preparation for the elections to the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

20 June 2021

Participation of the CSTO PA monitoring mission in monitoring the early elections to the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

17-19 сентября 2021

Participation in international monitoring of the elections of deputies to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

22-23 октября 2021 года

Participation of members of the Coordination Meeting of the Chairmen of the committees (commissions) on Defense and Security of the parliaments of the CSTO member states under the Council of the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly as observers at the joint exercise with the CSTO Collective Rapid Reaction Forces "Interaction-2021" for the purpose of parliamentary monitoring of the military-political situation in the Central Asian region of collective security of the CSTO

11-12 ноября 2021 года

Participation of members of the Coordination Meeting of the Chairmen of the committees (commissions) on Defense and Security of the parliaments of the CSTO member states under the Council of the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly as observers at the joint exercise with the CSTO Peacekeeping Forces "Unbreakable Brotherhood-2021"

28 ноября 2021

Participation in the international observation of the elections of deputies to the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic

26 февраля 2022

Participation of observers from the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly as part of the CIS Mission in monitoring the republican referendum on amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus

Materials News

1-3 апреля 2022

Participation in international monitoring of the preparation and holding of early elections of People's Deputies of the People's Assembly of the Republic of Serbia and the next presidential elections

5 июня 2022

Participation of observers from the CSTO PA in the international observation of the voting process at the Republican referendum in the Republic of Kazakhstan on the draft Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan"

1-2 ноября

Parliamentary monitoring of the military-political situation in the Caucasus region of collective security of the CSTO (Yerevan – in coordination with the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia)

20 ноября

Participation in international observation of early elections of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Documents News

17-20 марта 2023

Participation in international observation at the elections of deputies of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan on March 19

15-17 декабря 2023

Monitoring of early parliamentary elections in Serbia

Documents News

February 25

Participation in international monitoring of the elections in the Republic of Belarus (Minsk)

March 17th

Participation in the international observation of the presidential elections of the Russian Federation (Moscow)

September 10, 2024

Meeting of the heads of the defense and security committees of the parliaments of the CSTO member states (Bishkek)

September 11, 2024

Parliamentary monitoring of the military-political situation in the Central Asian region of collective security of the CSTO (Balykchy)

January 26, 2025

Participation in international observation of the election of the President of the Republic of Belarus (Minsk)

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