Delegation of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus to the CSTO PA consists of 7 deputies from the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus and 4 deputies from the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus.
Plenipotentiary representative of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus: Viktor Kogut
Website of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus:
Website of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus:
Delegation of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the CSTO PA consists of 8 deputies from the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and 8 members of the Senate of the Parliament of Kazakhstan.
Plenipotentiary Representative of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, deputy Executive Secretary of the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly: Viktor Rogalev
Delegation of the Supreme Council of the Kyrgyz Republic to the CSTO PA consists of 6 deputies.
Plenipotentiary Representative of the Supreme Council of the Kyrgyz Republic: Shabdanbek Alishev
Website of the Supreme Council of the Kyrgyz Republic:
Delegation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation to the CSTO PA consists of 10 deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and 12 members of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation.
Plenipotentiary representative of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation - deputy Executive Secretary of the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly: Mikhail Krotov
Delegation of the Supreme Assembly of the Republic of Tajikistan to the CSTO PA consists of 6 deputies of the National Assembly of the Supreme Assembly of the Republic of Tajikistan and 6 deputies of the Assembly of Representatives of the Supreme Assembly of the Republic of Tajikistan.
On November 25, the military personnel of the Peacekeeping Forces of the Russian Federation celebrate their professional holiday.
The Russian Peacekeeper Day has not yet celebrated its first anniversary: it was established in 2016 by a decree of the President of the Russian Federation.
However, the history of Russian peacekeeping is quite long and rich, Russian peacekeepers date back to 1973: on November 25, 1973, the peacekeepers – personnel of the Soviet Army as part of the UN peacekeeping mission arrived to the Suez Canal Zone to monitor the ceasefire.
It is this date that was chosen as the starting point for the history of Russian peacekeeping.
After the Soviet Union ceased to exist, the Russian Federation, as the successor state of the USSR and a permanent member of the UN Security Council, continued to take part in UN peacekeeping operations. At the same time, with the collapse of the USSR armed conflicts broke out in the post-Soviet space.
The Russian contingent conducted peacekeeping operations in Transnistria (since 1992), in the area of the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict (1992–2008), in the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict (1994–2008) and in the Republic of Tajikistan (1993–2001).
In 2005, the 15th Separate Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade was formed under the auspices of the UN; it is stationed in Roshchinsky township near Samara. Here, servicemen are being trained to take part in peacekeeping operations. The brigade consists of three motorized rifle battalions, a reconnaissance force and a support company. The brigade consists of only contracted personnel, is lightly armed (up to 82 mm caliber), has modern armoured vehicles, reconnaissance and communications equipment and UAVs.
On November 10, 2020, on a trilateral basis, the peacekeeping brigade began separating the conflicting parties in Nagorno-Karabakh.
On November 5, 2019, the CSTO PA adopted Recommendations on Improving the National Legislation of the CSTO Member States in the Area of Operation of Collective Peacekeeping Forces.
A draft model CSTO law On Peacekeeping Activities and Peacekeeping Forces developed by the Parliamentary Assembly experts has been approved by the parliaments of the CSTO Member States and will be presented to the CSTO PA Council on November 29, 2021.