Delegation of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus to the CSTO PA consists of 7 deputies from the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus and 4 deputies from the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus.
Plenipotentiary representative of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus: Viktor Kogut
Website of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus:
Website of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus:
Delegation of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the CSTO PA consists of 8 deputies from the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and 8 members of the Senate of the Parliament of Kazakhstan.
Plenipotentiary Representative of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, deputy Executive Secretary of the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly: Viktor Rogalev
Delegation of the Supreme Council of the Kyrgyz Republic to the CSTO PA consists of 6 deputies.
Plenipotentiary Representative of the Supreme Council of the Kyrgyz Republic: Shabdanbek Alishev
Website of the Supreme Council of the Kyrgyz Republic:
Delegation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation to the CSTO PA consists of 10 deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and 12 members of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation.
Plenipotentiary representative of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation - deputy Executive Secretary of the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly: Mikhail Krotov
Delegation of the Supreme Assembly of the Republic of Tajikistan to the CSTO PA consists of 6 deputies of the National Assembly of the Supreme Assembly of the Republic of Tajikistan and 6 deputies of the Assembly of Representatives of the Supreme Assembly of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Competent bodies of CSTO States will be able to set up joint investigative groups
26 May 2022
Competent bodies of CSTO States will be able to set up joint investigative groups
The 525th session of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation approved ratification of the Treaty on Matters of Jurisdiction and Legal Assistance in Cases Related to Temporary Presence of Formations of Forces and Assets of the Collective Security System in the Territories of the Collective Security Treaty Organization Member States.
According to the website of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, this creates a mechanism enabling the competent bodies of the CSTO Member States to cooperate on matters of legal assistance.
Vladimir Dzhabarov, first deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs, said in his report that the treaty aimed to create a mechanism for cooperation between competent bodies of the CSTO Member States on matters of jurisdiction and legal assistance in cases related to temporary presence of formations of forces and assets of the Collective Security System in the territories of the CSTO Member States.
“The treaty regulates in detail the order, procedure and terms of interaction between the competent bodies of the parties within the framework of exercising jurisdiction and rendering legal assistance in criminal and administrative cases in the areas of deployment of the CSTO formations,” Vladimir Dzhabarov noted.
“It establishes a legal basis for the creation of joint investigative teams. The treaty provides for a special safeguard clause, under which a request for legal assistance may be rejected if the provision of such assistance may harm the sovereignty or security of the state or contradict its national legislation,” said the first deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs.