Delegation of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus to the CSTO PA consists of 7 deputies from the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus and 4 deputies from the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus.
Plenipotentiary representative of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus: Viktor Kogut
Website of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus:
Website of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus:
Delegation of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the CSTO PA consists of 8 deputies from the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and 8 members of the Senate of the Parliament of Kazakhstan.
Plenipotentiary Representative of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, deputy Executive Secretary of the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly: Viktor Rogalev
Delegation of the Supreme Council of the Kyrgyz Republic to the CSTO PA consists of 6 deputies.
Plenipotentiary Representative of the Supreme Council of the Kyrgyz Republic: Shabdanbek Alishev
Website of the Supreme Council of the Kyrgyz Republic:
Delegation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation to the CSTO PA consists of 10 deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and 12 members of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation.
Plenipotentiary representative of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation - deputy Executive Secretary of the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly: Mikhail Krotov
Delegation of the Supreme Assembly of the Republic of Tajikistan to the CSTO PA consists of 6 deputies of the National Assembly of the Supreme Assembly of the Republic of Tajikistan and 6 deputies of the Assembly of Representatives of the Supreme Assembly of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Viktor Bondarev: Russia’s experience of conducting operations in Syria and Karabakh is in demand by peacekeepers of other countries
12 November 2021
Viktor Bondarev: Russia’s experience of conducting operations in Syria and Karabakh is in demand by peacekeepers of other countries
Viktor Bondarev, Chairman of the Committee on Defence and Security of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, is sure that representatives of the Coordination Council of Chairpersons of Committees (Commissions) on Defence and Security of the Parliaments of the CSTO Member States participating in the CSTO Collective Peacekeeping Forces’ exercise Unbreakable Brotherhood 2021 should know what the CSTO Collective Peacekeeping Forces do and what should be done on the legislative level to increase their effectiveness.
“Today we have once again seen that the CSTO Peacekeeping Forces are well-trained and, most importantly, prepared to solve certain tasks arising from the unfolding situation,” Viktor Bondarev emphasized, noting Russia’s leading role in the exchange of experience between the peacekeeping formations of the CSTO States. “Russian peacekeeping forces, with their increased mobility, thanks to the Russian Ministry of Defence, can and do achieve all assigned tasks.”
Viktor Bondarev is convinced that the experience acquired by Russian peacekeepers in Syria and Nagorno-Karabakh is “very important and is in demand for helping the contingents of the CSTO Collective Peacekeeping Forces that were invited to the exercise to increase their readiness.”
Chairman of the Committee on Defence and Security of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation is convinced that joint exercises should be held on regularly. “We see that each time, with each next peacekeeper exercise, the degree of readiness and professional training of each of them increases. The training process accelerates, certain tactical episodes of the exercise are being practiced more and more smoothly and expeditiously.”
Regarding the role of parliamentarians and their participation in the CSTO Collective Peacekeeping Forces exercise Unbreakable Brotherhood 2021, Viktor Bondarev recalled, “As heads of relevant committees or commissions of the parliaments of the CSTO States, we must know and see, first, how the Collective Peacekeeping Forces train, how our states interact; second, what points require urgent attention; and third, we must determine what laws should be promptly developed and adopted for our states to improve efficiency of actions that our Collective Forces might have to perform.”